Cassidy is the co-founder of ethical clothing company Wakened Apparel, and the popular reviewer of green products at @life_simplified. We had the privilege of asking her all about what simple living has done for her, and all the surprising ways she’s learned to go green and actually save money doing it!

Read on to find out why she loves what she does, and how she busts the myth that eco-friendly living is too expensive.


MABLE: You aim to master the art of simple living. Why?

CASSIDY: I think of simple living, or minimalism, or intentional living (whatever you choose to call it) as striving for less. For more intention amongst all the chaos of life. There is so much in our lives we aren't in control of, and living a lighter life can make those other aspects a little easier to deal with.

Simplicity isn't about having as little as possible.

It's about cutting the clutter from your life so that you have more space for what matters most to you.


M: How has simplifying your life changed you?

C: When I first started this journey to simplicity, I knew somehow it would improve my life. But I wasn't completely sure how.

When I pare down, clear things out and minimize what I bring in, there is a sense of peace and calm I cannot explain. It's almost as if your things create an invisible weight on your shoulders, and with every item you take away you feel lighter and lighter.

It's really helped change my perspective on what I need and my relationship with things. I have never had more of a sense of gratitude than I do now.

  Simple living, Live simply, Simple life, Living a simple life, Sustainable living, Simplify life, Frugal living tips, Conscious consumer, Socially conscious, Green living, Sustainable fashion,

M: Your presence online is meant to influence others to adopt a simpler, greener, and more ethical lifestyle. Why did you choose to focus on products and consumerism to spread this message?

C: I do product reviews on my page to show that living sustainably and simply is easier than most people think! With my reviews I’m acting as a “guinea pig”, and giving my honest opinion about a product.

I want to be able to show there are amazing options out there that work just as well (if not better) than the chemical-laden products we are all accustomed to.

There are a TON of incredible brands with true heart and integrity. Those brands need to be supported if we are going to move in a more sustainable direction with what we consume. I love the fact that I get to find, share and connect people with these brands.


M: Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is often considered to be too expensive. Have you found this to be true?

C: I was definitely someone who used to think "going green" meant spending a lot more money. Granted, there are a lot of eco-friendly alternatives that can be quite pricey, but there is something important to remember…

...the most eco-friendly thing you can do, is to use what you already have.

You don't have to go out and buy metal straws or bento boxes or a fancy indoor composter to be green. Using the resources you have is the more ecological and economical way to go about it. There is always a cheaper way to be green.

  Simple living, Live simply, Simple life, Living a simple life, Sustainable living, Simplify life, Frugal living tips, Conscious consumer, Socially conscious, Green living, Sustainable fashion,

M: Would you share with us some of your best eco- and wallet-friendly tips?

C: I share a lot of green beauty products on my page @life_simplified, but alongside those products are many DIY products I make myself very inexpensively.

  • Make your own natural health and beauty products. It's easy, effective, and you can customize all your products to your skin/hair/body needs.
  • Instead of buying reusable water bottles or coffee tumblers, use a mason jar, repurposed sauce jar, or buy a couple jars at your local thrift store for pennies!
  • If sustainable/ethical clothing companies are out of your price range, go thrifting, try second hand, or do a clothing swap with your friends!
  • Replace disposables for reusable options. Swap paper towels with reusable cloth napkins, or sponges with cloth rags. Why pay for something you're planning to throw away?
  • Shop mindfully for food and produce. In season, an organic fruit can cost less than a GMO fruit that is out of season.
  • Shopping the bulk sections (package free) at your local grocery stores is a great option. You’ll produce less trash, and save money since you're not paying the additional cost of packaging.
  • Farmers markets are amazing! Not only do you get to shake hands and connect with the people who grow your food, but you also can haggle a bit. Hint: go towards the end. By that time the vendors are packing up and don't want to lug unsold food with them. They're more inclined to give you a better deal.     


M: Why do you think it’s so important to share all of this with your readers?

C: I continue to find immense benefit from living this way, and I know it’s a lifestyle that can benefit anyone willing to try it. The great thing about it is that everyone is on a different journey, and simplicity can look very different for each person.

But no matter how old you are or where you are in life, it's something anyone can apply and find value in!

It can seem like a daunting task at first. But that’s why I want to be an inspiration and resource for people to help them pursue that lifestyle successfully.


Image credits:

Cover: By Cassidy @life_simplified

2nd image: By Cassidy @life_simplified

The Buyerachy:  Sarah Lazarovic

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